SEPT 26-28, 2025
11228 Lone Eagle Drive, Bridgeton MO 63044
The Fall Classic
Philosophy and Purpose
In 1983, members of Group 266 ("Saturday Night Live"), after holding several successful dances, formed a committee to sponsor an AA conference. As a result, the first Fall Classic Conference was held in the fall of 1984. Each year since, a group known generally as the Fall Classic Committee ("Committee") has held a conference in St. Louis . During the year, dances and other social activities are held to help pay for the conference. For many in the recovery community, the Fall Classic has become an annual part of their lives.
Structure and Organization
The Fall Classic is an AA conference organized along the "Guidelines for Conferences and Conventions" of Alcoholics Anonymous, and reflects the guidance of the Twelve Traditions. In accordance with the concept of non-affiliation, members of Al-Anon are invited to participate by planning their own part of the program.
To appropriately handle the business aspects of the conference, and to preserve its continuity, the Committee formed the Fall Classic Conference, Inc., a Missouri not for profit corporation in 1991. The articles of incorporation and the by-laws formalized the traditions that had evolved.
The corporation is managed by a four-member board of directors elected by the Committee to serve two-year, staggered terms. The Committee also elects a conference chairperson who serves as the president of the corporation for a one-year term. The chairperson appoints the heads of the various conference committees. No board member or officer receives a salary. This structure allows for a regular change of leadership, and service opportunities for other members.
Although the board of directors runs the corporation, and the president and the committee heads are generally responsible for the details of the convention, it is understood that they are all are members of the Fall Classic Committee, and are but trusted servants.
The only requirements for membership in the Fall Classic Committee are the desire to stop drinking, and participation in the Committee activities. There are no dues or membership certificates. The only compensation for being on the Committee is sobriety. Over the years, the Fall Classic has provided many with a chance to get involved. Whether you are a newcomer or and old-timer, you are welcome to join the Committee.